prices of patient services
Beechworth Surgery consultations
in person and telehealthHome visits
price of clinic services
This is a private billing practice.
Medicare rebates apply to most consultations reducing the out of pocket cost.
These prices are all below AMA recommended fees.
If you have reached your Medicare Safety Net for the calendar year the out of pocket costs are significantly reduced. You can find out more and register as a family or couple by clicking the button below:
price of home visits
*Travel is calculated at 70 cents/km from Wodonga. Travel times >30min from Wodonga are at Dr Alison Walsh’s discretion.
late cancellation fee
We understand that things can change but if you cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than 24 hours notice or don’t attend your appointment then a cancellation fee of $45 will apply to appointments of 30 min and $90 for longer appointments. This will be invoiced to you (no medicare rebate applies).