Dr Alison Walsh

General Practitioner &

Lactation Consultant


helping you achieve your breastfeeding goals

Just like any other physical skill breastfeeding (like dancing or riding a bike) takes practice. Many mums and bubs can feed without any help, some will need a little help and a few will need more help. Dr Alison can help you in whatever situation you are in.

  • Learn about breastfeeding prior to having your baby to help you get off to a good start. It is particularly helpful if there has been problems in previous lactations, previous surgery or medical problems in mum or anticipated in baby.

  • Help early on after birth can set you up for success. Sometimes small problems become bigger if not solved early on in your breastfeeding journey.

  • Whenever there are issues along your breastfeeding journey there is help when you need it from the early days, introducing solids, returning to work or weaning.


photo used with permission of K Bartle